Welcome to Engage Newark

Take A Moment to Learn More About us

Welcome to Engage Newark where connecting people with one another and Jesus is our top priority! At Engage you can help change the world! You can discover ways to serve in the church and outside the church both locally in our city and globally in foreign countries as we bring a message of hope and love to all people.  On Sunday mornings at Engage, we celebrate what God has done in our life by singing great songs that inspire our hearts, actively listening to the Bible being explained in challenging ways and beautifully creating a sense of awe and wonder of God. As you come to Engage we welcome you to be a part of what God is doing in Newark Ohio!

Imperfect People

Who Love You

Engage Newark is open to all people and when we say all, we mean ALL - especially the ones who think they aren't good enough. In reality, we are ALL not good enough, including the pastors and staff of Engage! We are a collection of imperfect people working together with a perfect Savior in Jesus to try and make a difference in our community and in our world. We all mess up from time to time, but the Good News is that Jesus makes us good enough, makes us worthy to serve him and help others along the way.

Music That Moves You

Don't be confused. This isn't a concert.
Worship is more than music. It’s the way we live our lives. And as such, we want our music to be more than just a performance, and done from a sincere place of humble obedience. We want to worship God with high quality music, not because we want to put on a show, but because it’s who we are.

Messages That Challenge You

We believe that the Bible is the greatest source of truth.

Worship is centered around the Word and by this we mean the Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ. We worship God the Father in relationship with Jesus the Son, the One by whom we have access to God. Jesus is the embodiment of God’s Word, the Scripture. Each time we gather for worship, the Bible is explained in ways that all people can understand it, so that the Word is open and accessible for all.

Engagement with Kids

Children of all ages.
We place the highest value on our youngest disciples, children are a tremendous gift from God and as they grow, they are able to handle more and more responsibility in learning about Jesus.  From birth to Pre-K, check-in at Little Arrows.  The babies and crawlers will receive the highest of care while the Pre-school set will play in the play café and have a Bible story and craft. For grades K-5, check in at the Ticket Booth entry area and these older kids can join you for singing at the beginning of worship before being dismissed to their age-appropriate class.  The K-2 class will go downstairs to Little Arrows for some play time and a lesson while the 3-5 class will remain upstairs in the classrooms behind the ballroom.

Plan A Visit

Be our honored guest.
Everything we do is from the belief that we have a mission to create space where everyone feels welcome and a part of the Engage community. We want you to be able to discover all that God has for you! We hope you’ll plan a visit and we can’t wait to meet you!